Corefy's monthly updates: January 2023

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Corefy's monthly updates: January 2023

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You know that feeling when the new year begins? Each January you’re charged with productivity and feel like there is so much to accomplish? It's the same for us 🙌

With the first month of the year drawing to a close, we are excited to share our progress. Grab your warm drinks and let’s get started.

Platform updates

Here are some highlights of what our Development team accomplished this month:

  • User management improvements. We’ve added the 'Copy invite' button, which allows Dashboard and Merchant Portal admins to copy the invitation link and send it to members in a few clicks. This is a convenient option when the main email invitation didn’t reach the recipient for some reason.
  • Added new customer attributes: individual tax number and date of birth. Some providers require this data for enhanced security and payer identification in particular countries.
  • It’s now possible to terminate incorrect or outdated payout invoices on the Merchant portal.
  • Added the ability for card gateway Direct Apple Pay users to display custom name in user’s Apple Wallet instead of Apple Merchant ID.
  • Our HPP security check on user return is now configurable on request.
  • Added the 'Refund' button to the Merchant portal. To enable it for the merchant, visit Commerce Account → Merchant Portal → Features.

Please contact your account manager for more info about any of the points.


Our Integrations team added 8 new connectors and made 61 upgrades of existing ones 🦾 The list of new options includes card gateway integrations for PayPal, UnionGate, Unonapay, USBXPAY, NummusPay, Payabl and payments for AlycePay and Cryptomus.

Getting ready for ICE London

We’re getting ready for ICE London, one of the largest gaming events taking place from 7 to 9 February 🎮

If you're attending the event, schedule a quick meeting with our CBO Den Melnykov. We'd love to meet in person and discuss how we can work together.

Stay tuned for more articles and news!

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