Corefy’s monthly updates: April 2024

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Corefy’s monthly updates: April 2024

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April’s showers bring May flowers…and new features to Corefy ⭐

Check out our latest enhancements.

Platform updates

Our Development team has been diligently working on enhancing our platform's capabilities by establishing new integrations, updating the existing ones, and crafting new features. Here’s what we've achieved:

  • Introduced the Multiple rolling reserves feature. Previously, our PSP clients could establish only one rolling reserve per invoice. Recognising the need for more adaptable solutions for merchants, we have now implemented a feature that enables the creation of multiple rolling reserves for various time periods within a single invoice.
  • Enhanced flexibility in reserves calculation. From now on, our clients can choose whether to calculate their reserves based on the processed amount (the total amount paid by the client) or the settlement amount (the total excluding processing fees). This added flexibility allows for more tailored financial management according to each client's specific needs.

  • Added 19 new integrations and made 98 upgrades or updates to existing ones.

Something to read📚
Follow our CEO, Denys Kyrychenko, on LinkedIn, where he constantly shares valuable payment tips, hacks, and memes. By the way, he has recently got the ‘Top Payment Services Voice’ badge 😎
Learn more

Team growth

In April, six new specialists joined our Development and Customer Success teams. We are constantly expanding and looking for more talent. Are you interested in being a part of our dynamic team, or know someone who is? Check out our current job openings and consider joining us, or share it with friends!

Wishing you a fruitful May 🍀

Stay tuned!

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