Corefy’s monthly updates: May 2021

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Corefy’s monthly updates: May 2021

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Summer is here! 🌞

Before you get on the move to the waterfront for sunbathing or swimming, check out how Corefy’s platform development has advanced and what other notable achievements we’ve reached in May.


  • Denys Kyrychenko, Corefy’s Co-founder & CEO, listed the hottest e-commerce payment trends in his blog for Finextra, one of the industry’s most renowned media.
  • We shot a video with our COO Den Melnykov explaining who we are, what we do, what’s the purpose, and what we’ve reached so far. He shared some facts and numbers reflecting our performance as of May 2021. Take a look if you haven’t seen it yet.
  • Den also took part in TechTalks, an internal event by Raiffeisen Bank Aval to discuss various industry issues with guests. We tuned in and outlined Den’s thoughts on different aspects of startup life, some personal experience and views. We invite you to give it a read here.


  • Our website, which we’ve worked on for so long and rolled out this February, was named The best website of 2021 in the ‘Finance, Banking, and Insurance’ category at WEB AWARDS UA. Though it’s delightful to witness the recognition of our efforts, our primary purpose is to make your experience with updated outstanding.
  • Corefy is shortlisted in the ‘Best Cloud Payments Solution’ nomination at PayTech Awards 2021, alongside other six companies.
  • We got nominated as the most innovative payment solutions platform in the United Kingdom at Global Brand Awards 2021. Looking forward to the announcement of the winners!


  • Expanded access settings for commerce account.
  • Added the merchant_profile object containing information about the merchant to commerce properties. The data is sent unchanged to payment providers. Similar parameters in the cardgate_options object for host-to-host payments will be deprecated.
  • You can now change validation parameters for the card number field in the HPP settings. You can set a particular quantity of characters (for instance, 15 and 16) or a range (e.g. from 12 to 20).
  • Сommerce account data is now available in analytics.
  • Added options to control payments and payouts availability by a client ID in the Customers section.
  • We started to collect metrics on Card Gate payments and added an opportunity to set up routing taking this data into account (by the number of successful payments over a period, by the number of all payments, and by the total value of successful payments).
  • Updated the way payout schemes are displayed, adding the counter for all available services.
  • Added charged_back_amount parameter containing the chargeback amount and fee to the API scheme and callbacks.
  • Updated the scheme of user redirection after the 3D Secure verification stage.
  • Updated or expanded 14 connectors and added two new integrations.

For the coming months, we have much more exciting plans (aside from vacations🏝).

We’ll keep you updated!

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