PaySpace Magazine Awards 2018

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PaySpace Magazine Awards 2018

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The PaySpace Magazine Awards Gala evening at the Khreschatyk Grand Hall (Kyiv, Ukraine) this week was the biggest and best yet. Ukrainians have their say this year casting almost seventy thousand votes for their favourite fintech companies and experts celebrated the 63 winners from the more than 189 entries.

This year, for the first time, awards were granted in 21 categories. was nominated in two categories but brought home the Bronze Award in the Best TechFin Project category. This category impressed the judges with the quality of entries and ensured it will be included in the category list again next year. Masterpass digital wallet offered by Mastercard has received the shiny Gold Award. Corezoid was conferred with the Silver Award.

This year the recipient of the International Fintech Expert of the Year Awards is Chris Skinner, internationally renowned author, leading commentator and strategist on the financial markets. The other big winners of the night were Mike Chobanyan, who won the Gold Award in the Best Cryptocurrency Expert; Igor Berezanskyi, who won the Gold Award in the conferred Fintech Expert of the Year.

An enormous salute to all of this year’s nominees each of whom have made incredible contributions to the Ukrainian fintech community.

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