Más de 800 millones de transacciones exitosas en todo el mundo, impulsadas por Corefy

Descubra cómo nuestra plataforma de orquestación de pagos y nuestra asistencia experta han facilitado negocios en diferentes regiones e industrias, desde comerciantes de comercio electrónico hasta instituciones de pago.
Los miembros principales de Visa y Mastercard utilizan Corefy como una puerta de acceso para servicios de adquisición de tarjetas
3 de los 5 corredores de Forex más grandes del mundo son nuestros clientes
Tenemos compañías de la industria del juego entre las 20 mejores a bordo
Historias de clientes
Público objetivo
Vea cómo una de las principales plataformas de comercio de divisas aprovechó Corefy para superar sus desafíos de procesamiento de pagos en varias regiones y agilizar las operaciones.
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Juegos de azar
Público objetivo
Descubra cómo ayudamos a una empresa internacional de juegos de azar y apuestas a expandir sus operaciones y optimizar las tasas de conversión en diversas ubicaciones geográficas.
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Intercambio de cripto
Público objetivo
Damos al primer intercambio de criptomonedas en la región de Europa del Este un lugar único para administrar sus operaciones y proporcionar servicios de pago a otras empresas.
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Público objetivo
Europa del Este
Aprenda cómo nuestra solución de proveedor de pago de marca blanca facilitó todo el ciclo operativo para una empresa de pago y les ayudó a manejar el creciente volumen de pagos.
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Empresa de TI
Público objetivo
La empresa con numerosos productos y sitios web opera convenientemente sus flujos de pago en el entorno multitenencia después de una sola integración con nosotros.
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Comercio electrónico
Público objetivo
Con la ayuda de Corefy, el comerciante de comercio electrónico ucraniano Coffeeok organizó una experiencia de pago personalizada y ganó la lealtad y la confianza de los clientes.
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Servicio de reembolso
Público objetivo
Todo el mundo
Descubra la historia de éxito de LetyShops para aprender cómo les ayudamos a manejar pagos masivos y establecer nuevas integraciones, equipando a la empresa para la expansión internacional.
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Lo que dicen los clientes sobre Corefy

Estamos orgullosos de tener una calificación "Bueno" en Trustpilot. Descubra lo que algunos de nuestros clientes tienen que decir sobre su experiencia trabajando con nosotros.
Czech Republic
22 Jun, 2022
Pleasant cooperation & assistance
We have been fruitfully cooperating with Corefy for 1.5 years now.
Thanks to the professional team, we launched very quickly and had our first live transactions in less than three weeks.
From the moment we signed up until now, we’ve had a pleasant interaction with the team. They’re ready to help anytime, with any question. Also, they helped a lot with setup and onboarding at the initial stages.
Last but not least, the payment page they developed for us is just perfect.
We’re glad to have Corefy as a partner!
Arif Akhmedzade
7 Mar, 2022
Corefy is more than just a partner
I know Corefy for more than 5 years and during this time we come more than partners.
The team is professional. They give great support and provide with all necessary information from the first day of work. I remember our onboarding period. It was great, everything was clear.
The product is made by real professionals who do understand fintech deeply. They have done a great product that updates and becomes better at every update.
Also, they do listen to their customers and provide really necessary functions.
Sam Kaploushenko
United Arab Emirates
22 Jun, 2022
Pleasant cooperation & assistance
It’s been over two years of our collaboration with Corefy.
During this time, we’ve connected dozens of various integrations and solutions, brought to life some joint projects. Namely, Corefy was our technical partner in the launch of UAX.
I’d say, today, our companies are much more than partners, and our close business relations are mutually beneficial.
It’s worth mentioning that our payment traffic has multiplied several times since we started with the platform, and it easily fulfils our needs as we scale and enter new geographies.
Ronnie Beernaert
14 Feb, 2022
Great support from a great team
It is really a pleasure to work with the Corefy team.
They are always available to give a helping hand when it is needed.
Fast response times and knowledgeable people are always there to advise and to help you to move forward with your projects.times since we started with the platform, and it easily fulfils our needs as we scale and enter new geographies.
Olga Malinochka
15 Feb, 2022
Good partnership since 2018
We have been working with Corefy since October 2018. We are very thankful, that we got acquainted with a really strong partner, which has a high level of expertise in the fintech field, development, and other IT tools for payouts. Since that time we have been connected to 8 PSPs and more than 15 payout methods - so, everything that we needed - is extremely covered by Corefy.
What is also not least, that all the questions we have, are fastly resolved with our Account Manager and we can make a conclusion that communication is on a high level of responsibility and trust.
Now we can wish only prosperity, joy, and reaching new tops and successes to new beginnings!