Unlocking operational flexibility through metadata routing: use case

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Unlocking operational flexibility through metadata routing: use case

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Discover how our gambling client leveraged metadata routing to craft personalised experiences for their customers, ensuring seamless transactions and sustaining impressive conversion rates.

Splitting payment traffic for multi-project gambling client

Our multi-project gambling client wanted to split payment traffic within one processing system by separating payment routing schemes for each of their sub-entity.


When building routing schemes, the client specified the website URL for each of their subprojects as a metadata attribute. This approach made it possible to quickly and easily separate payment traffic within one processing system.

Maintaining high conversion rates for trusted customers

Our gambling client aimed to maintain high conversion rates among their high-value customers by routing their transactions through the most reliable and cost-effective provider.


By setting the number of deposits as a metadata attribute, the client can differentiate between trusted customers who have made more than 10 deposits and new customers who have made up to 10 deposits. By categorising customers, they could set up a separate payment route for each customer group.

Efficient processing of discounted transactions

Our client introduced a special discount to their high-value customers. They needed a solution to process all the discounted transactions in a cost-efficient manner.


By embedding this special discount as metadata in transactions, the client empowered our smart routing engine to identify such transactions and route them through the most cost-efficient provider.


Our client gained unlimited flexibility in payment routing with the ability to tailor their routing schemes to consider specific transaction metrics, customer segments, and operational priorities. Our platform offers over 100 payment routing attributes, which, when combined with the metadata attribute, can significantly boost operational efficiency, reduce costs, and improve customer retention.

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