CRM for payments: your payment management software

Running a diverse online business with plenty of offerings or multiple storefronts, you can design a tailored transaction process for all sub-entities and manage them independently from a single access point.


store blue
store blue
store blue
hub processor


  • Consolidate

    Manage payment process and all day-to-day operations from a single dashboard.

  • Allocate

    Split the cash flow between multiple projects using common merchant accounts in different PSPs.

  • Earn

    Generates interest and commission income through merchants.

Divide et impera!

Get a unified merchant payment management software for headquarters to manage all data.



  • Monitor each sub-entity data and get detailed insights from one source

  • Automatically consolidate all data to headquarters' payer entity

  • Get accurate reports and forecasts to track KPI and analyse competition

  • Manage all day-to-day operations from a single dashboard

  • Roll it all up for headquarters in a compliant and efficient way



  • Accept online payments in multiple currencies with the auto-conversion feature

  • Create customised report formats to access detailed turnover and demographic reports, and competition analysis

  • Split the cash flow between multiple projects using common merchant accounts in different PSPs

  • Enable each entity to operate with its unique workflow

  • Segment information by entities for audit preparedness, financial control and reporting, fraud prevention, and visibility purposes

store blue

Payment amount


Payment amount


Payment amount


Financial accounting

Segregate funds with virtual accounts per entity.

  • Multicurrency virtual balances
    Accept multiple currencies with auto-conversion in merchant account currency.
  • Dynamic currency conversion
    Choose specific exchange rates to receive online payments and make payouts in different currencies.
  • Fees management
    Generate interest and commission income through merchants by setting and offsetting fees and min/max amounts per each online payment method.
  • Rich financial tuning
    Access turnover limits, rolling reserve, overdraft limit, manual deposits and withdrawals, and more accounting software features.

Independent customisation

Enable each entity to operate with its own unique workflow.

Checkout customisation

Use your branded colours, icons, logos, and titles to customise the Checkout.


Processing options

Route your transactions to success and increase the conversion.

Choose payment option

mastercard rectangle Master card
visa rectangle Visa
stripe rectangle Stripe

Payment options

Allow customers to choose the best online payment option for their region.

Fees per method

Specify fees, min/max amounts, rolling reserve.

Min 50 100 150 200 Max

Limits per method

Set turnover and velocity limits.

Data segmentation

Segment information by entities for audit preparedness, financial control and reporting, fraud prevention, and visibility purposes.

  • Multi-stores. Multi-storefront, multi-terminal, multi-business monitoring capability with drill-down functionalities.

  • Dashboard for headquarters. Manage payment process and all day-to-day operations from a single dashboard.

  • Merchant portal. Merchants can track invoice and payment status themselves through the Merchant portal.

  • Access management. Single sign-on application to simplify identity management with secure, one-click access for assigned users.

  • Customer segmentation. Manage the data about customers and gain insights on statistics of transactions and analytics for each customer.

commerce yellow

Single reporting for multiple sites

Create customised report formats and access detailed turnover reports, demographic reports and competition analysis.

  • Direct DB connection

    Quickly and effectively monitor status, resolutions, amounts, and other necessary data on all operations.

  • Exports to .xls, .csv

    Filter the appropriate transaction data and export it from the payment management software.

  • 25+ predefined reports

    Create reports anywhere and anytime, and reduce your effort and costs.

  • Automated report scheduling

    Choose and receive specific reports with rich and insightful data.

  • Real-time conversion monitoring

    Monitor all online payments and analyse the conversion rate.

  • Alerting

    Get notified of any failovers, divergences or specific incidents.

Conversion rates chart
store yellow Store 1
store red Store 2
store blue Store 3
95% 85% 75% 65% 55%
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