corefy main mark
corefy main mark
corefy main mark
corefy main mark
corefy main mark
corefy main mark

Corefy’s brand elements at your service

Logos and marks in .png, .svg, .ai

This page is where Corefy’s brand assets are neatly organised and readily accessible to everyone who needs them. We would appreciate your help in strengthening our brand consistency.

Our name

'Corefy' is one word, spelt with a capital C. In our brand name, we reflected our platform’s essence in the word 'Core' and added the suffix '-fy', turning it into a verb.


Our mark

Please use this symbol only where space is limited.

drawn mark

Corefy main mark

Corefy alternative mark

Our colours

If you want to use our brand colours in your materials about Corefy, please make sure to check the colour codes.

#0006FF Click to copy colour code
Copied to clipboard
#FFD400 Click to copy colour code
Copied to clipboard

Zdravo, ja sam Ana.

Kako mogu da vam pomognem?