What's included in the White label package?

Our platform is capable of fulfilling the needs of any online business. Its potential unleashes the best as your business grows and goes global. We establish connections with APIs of payment providers and acquirers globally and ensure their security, integrity, and stability.

A single integration with us gets you online with a scalable technical infrastructure that we enhance and maintain for you. If you have unique business needs our solution doesn't cover yet, we would be excited to accept the challenge and solve your case.

Get in touch

One integration, endless opportunities

As connections become increasingly important for growth, we keyed in on building technical infrastructure that brings payment service providers, alternative payment methods, and third-party business solutions together. All payment world is just one integration away.

mastercard coube Mastercard
visa coube VISA
discover coube Discover
stripe coube Stripe
mastercard blue coube Masterpass
neteller coube Neteller
giropay coube Giropay
Any payment provider
Reap the benefits of having hundreds of payment providers ready for you to connect to in a few clicks through Corefy's Provider hub.
  • Payment gateways
  • Payment aggregators
  • Payment facilitators
  • Credit card acquirers
Any payment method
Support for every possible payment method comes out of the box when you work with Corefy.
  • Credit cards
  • Bank transfers
  • Digital wallets
  • Cryptocurrencies
  • Mobile carriers
  • Utility bills
  • Local payment options
Any payment
Our solution is scalable and flexible enough to suit any business model, type and size.
  • Instant charge
    Receive payments from your customers instantly, with them making just a few clicks.
  • Delayed charge
    Block the necessary amount on the customer's balance before charging.
  • Recurring payments
    Tokenisation allows you to automatically charge your customer the due amount on a regular basis.
  • OCT (Original Credit Transaction)
    Make fast and secure push payments directly to your customers' Visa and Mastercard.
Any fiat & crypto currency
We support processing payments in literally any currency of the world, as well as in crypto. Just connect with the right providers.
  • USD
  • EUR
  • GBP
  • BTC
  • LTC
  • 200+ currencies

White label payment solutions

Corefy provides you with a range of options for accepting payments both automatically and manually.

Automatic payments

Collect payments with the refined solution by adding just a few lines of code to your website

  • Better conversion rate than ever
  • Flaunt your brand with custom UI
  • Simple integration with minimal coding
  • Personalised payment experience for every user
Recurring payments

Handle and control recurring payments with ease, benefiting from the agile billing system


Fully automate and enhance payment workflow for your subscription-based business

Manual payments

Receive online payments by issuing and sending invoices to your customers

Fill in a short form on the Dashboard and start accepting payments on your website

Payment links

Get paid instantly by sharing a payment link via a preferred channel

phone content

Processing your payment...

Processing completed

Your ticket was
successfully purchased!

Check email for your
ticket and operation details.

rocket Let`s get started!
Let's get to know each other better! Fill in the information about yourself to book a demo call with our manager.
Optimise performance based on your data

Hassle-free payouts

Payouts by Corefy grant you full control over your payout workflows, empowering you to make both single and mass payouts quickly and easily, with a wide range of payout options to choose from.

blue card

Current payments

  • $380.00
    New Recieved
  • $210.50
    New Recieved
  • $50.99
    New Recieved
  • $128.00
    New Recieved
  • $240.20
    New Recieved
  • $75.55
    New Recieved
Make payouts
  • Instant payouts

    The process of paying out can be complicated and time-consuming, but not with Corefy. Send funds directly to the recipients within minutes.

  • Batch payouts

    Initiate payouts to an unlimited amount of recipients at once, leveraging as many payment methods and currencies as needed.

Toolkit for revenue maximisation

Corefy equips you with a whole set of intelligent payment processing tools helping to ensure maximum performance of your operations. Our clients have witnessed up to 40% increase in conversion rates after implementing these capabilities.

  • Cascading
    Eliminate declines by using automatic rerouting of a transaction until full completion.
  • Personalisation
    Your users will see a selection of payment methods recommended personally for them. Checkout memorises the latest and most used methods, as well as users' info.
  • Smart routing
    Corefy routes each transaction according to selected parameters, saving time and cutting costs.
  • Localisation
    When enabled, Checkout can identify and adapt to the geolocation of a user in a snap, switching to the right language and displaying local payment methods first.
  • Anti-fraud
    Combat fraud and decrease chargeback ratio relying on our anti-fraud engine and security tools.
  • "Remember me"
    Show your appreciation to returning customers by eliminating the need for repeated payment data entry. Empower them to manage saved cards and payment methods.
  • Tokenisation
    One-click payments reduce friction and skyrocket conversion, refining the customer experience.
  • Abandoned cart recovery
    In case your customer forgets to finalise the purchase, Checkout will automatically take care of his cart, saving it for them to return and proceed.
  • Retries
    Stop losing sales with manual retries and enable auto-retries to handle failover management.
  • Business model versatility
    Accept payments regardless of your business type. Process payments, donations, and subscription requests.
  • Best UX
    Checkout is the epitome of a smooth and intuitive customer journey. Offer your clients transparency and simplicity, and get significantly increased success rates back.
  • A/B testing
    Feel free to configure your Checkout and perform experiments in order to optimise business performance and discover what works best for you and your clients.
  • Customisable UI
    Adjust Checkout design to the look and feel of your website. Use a custom theme to make your Checkout unique.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

0% Conversion rate

Next-level payment management

Whether you're looking to optimise your payment processing or seeking advanced payment routing strategies, we have the solution.
  • routing blue


    Set up optimal routing schemes to automatically forward each transaction to the most efficient route, increasing your acceptance rates.

  • cascading blue


    Re-route each transaction until successful completion to minimise declines and achieve independence from technical issues on PSP's side.

  • splitting blue


    Handle bulk payments with ease, completing them through multiple payment providers and methods.

  • blocking blue


    Our platform incorporates a strong set of tools helping you to spot fraudulent transactions in advance and avoid time and money losses.

  • converting blue


    Allow customers to view prices and pay in their currency while settling your balance in the currency of your choice.

  • triggering blue


    Change the way the transaction is processed before routing. It allows to automatically decide whether a CVV or 3DS is necessary.

  • p2p blue

    P2P control

    P2P transactions can be automatically routed to the appropriate transit account, meeting your requirements.

Powerful toolkit for fraud prevention

  • card green
  • card purple
  • card blue
  • card yellow
  • card red

Card number







Our ready-made anti-fraud solutions provide you with additional security layer and help you target specific fraud issues and risks more effectively.

  • Blocking rule engine
    Automatically cut off suspicious or undesirable traffic using Blocking schemes with configurable dynamic rules.
  • Smart blacklisting
    After several failed attempts to complete a transaction, a payer can be added to the blacklist automatically.
  • Smart 3DS routing
    Enable or disable 3DS when needed, or apply it selectively for transactions filtered by relevant parameter.
  • Third-party risk scoring
    Connect your trusted anti-fraud and risk scoring systems, like Kount, MaxMind or Ravelin, for an extra layer of protection.

White label merchant portal

Provide your merchants with a straightforward back office that allows running multiple businesses conveniently, having separate accounts and individual settings for each of them.

  • customizable


    Adjust the merchant back office to flaunt your brand.

  • responsive


    It displays equally well on any device with any screen size.

  • powerful


    Access all features and monitor real-time performance with intuitive Dashboard.

  • accountable


    Manage access rights and the team’s activity by setting up roles.

transactions half info blocks

Monitoring & Reporting

Having all the performance metrics spread before the eyes keeps you aware of the health and performance of your business. Generate accurate and thorough reports and access intelligence on the go.

  • real time metrics

    Real-time metrics

    Proactively monitor key performance indicators to manage operations effectively and ensure that your business reaches its goals.

  • consolidated reports

    Consolidated reports

    Save lots of time using reports auto-generation. You can choose any of our predefined reports or create your own report based on selected parameters.

  • db

    Direct access to unified DB

    Reach and extract any data on your activity anytime you need it. You can use these data with your BI system.

  • alerts


    Receive instant notifications when reaching crucial figures or any malfunctions occurring.

Manage merchants with ease

Handle all your business and create unique commercial conditions for every merchant you work with through one centralised system. Provide your clients with a powerful Dashboard, giving them more control over their operations.

  • Digitalises and streamlines transactions performed by merchants

  • Speeds up daily processes and increases productivity

  • Allows you to track the status of invoices and payments through the merchant portal

  • Increases the loyalty of current customers and onboarding new merchants due to useful services for managing POS systems

  • Generates interest and commission income through merchants

  • Provides you with a quicker ROI due to rapid deployment


store blue
store blue
store blue
hub processor



We have developed and honed ready-to-use integration kits to speed up and refine the process of getting started for you and your merchants. A tie-in white label documentation will grant the necessary assistance and guidance for newcomers.

  • Based on high-end technologies

  • Automatic updates

  • Featherweight and fast loading

  • Customisable

  • Webhooks

  • Test environment

  • HTML form
  • Link
  • QR сode
  • <form action="https://pay.paymaxi.com/hpp/" method="get">
      <input type="hidden" name="public_key" value="your_public_key">
      <input type="hidden" name="currency" value="USD">
      <input type="hidden" name="description" value="Some goods">
      <input type="hidden" name="amount" value="100">
      <input type="submit" value="Pay">
  • <a href="https://pay.paymaxi.com/hpp/?public_key=your_public_key?cy=USD&description=Some%20goods&amount=100" target="self" rel="nofollow"></a>
  • <img alt="Payment Link" src="https://chart.googleapis.com/chart?chs=250x250&cht=qr&chl=https%3A%2F%2Fhttps://com.paycore.io%2Fhpp%2F%3Fpublic_key%3Dyour_public_key%26currency%3DUSD%26description%3DSome%2520goods%26amount%3D100">

How can I help you?