Skip to content v1.3.17 (October 25, 2019)

By Dmytro Dziubenko, Chief Technology Officer

Happy Friday mood from!

We keep enhancing our products. This week we focused on boosting productivity and payment safety.



List of Changes

Card data tokenization

Tokenization is the process of protecting sensitive data by replacing it with an algorithmically generated number called a token. That token is impossible to trace back to the original data, but we can store tokens and inversely associated with the cards. It is one of the most effective methods to improve payment security and prevent data breaches.

Also, PCI standards do not allow storing credit card numbers retailers' databases after a transaction. Tokenization of a card number solves this issue and protect customer data.

Use Tokenize option creating payment invoice.

If the payment transaction is successful, the token will be received in callbacks, in the payload object.

Performance Improvements

This release is not so packed for updates as the previous ones, but we have successfully improved our products' performance and resolved revealed issues.

Stay tuned!